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September 30, 2011

That Surprised Seth!

This is what I look like when I'm surprised about something that I read on the internet:


What was it that I was so surprised about? Was it:

  1. The fact that the CDC has posted a 101 for the Zombie Apocalypse?
  2. Community's Doctor Who spoof?
  3. Baseball had an amazing night. Now we just need to do something about a 162-game season.
  4. That I was on ESPN 1420 Honolulu Sports Radio to talk about last week's (horrible) Arkansas-Alabama game? (and no, I can't get an mp3 of the show, grrrrrrr)
  5. Because I finished my latest Star Wars book and found out that the series conclusion doesn't come out until next MAY?
  6. Upcoming concerts attended will include Death Cab for Cutie and Wilco?
  7. Hand me another bucket said six-piece seturn?

Or, none of the above?

Posted by Seth at 07:01 AM | Comments (1)

September 21, 2011

Robert Pattinson, I Challenge Thee!

Robert PattinsonHe's British. He's a model. He's been in a Harry Potter film. He sometimes has horrible hair. He's everyone's favorite vampire that creepily hits on 16 year olds. He was one one of Hollywood's highest paid actors in 2009. Both TIME and Forbes have named him influential and powerful. And now he wants to record an album.

He is Robert Pattinson.

And I am tired of it.

That's right. Robert Pattinson, if you're out there, or here, reading my blog, I challenge you to a Duel of Three.

Yes, a Duel of Three.

But what is a Duel of Three, Robert Pattinson might ask?

And that's where I get to say my very first, "ha ha ha, Robert Pattinson!"

It's simple – a Duel of Three is where you and I partake in three challenges, man to man. Brit vs. Yank. Hollywood vs. Midwest. Robert Pattinson vs. Seth Gunderson. It has all the makings of an episode of E! True Hollywood Story or even a Lifetime Movie.

That is, unless you're too cowardly to take some time off and mingle with the small folk.

I'll even let you know what the three challenges are before you commit!

Challenge 1: The Culinary Kitchen Cook-Off!
My two wonderful cooky/foodie friends Bev and Laura will select a fairly basic recipe for us both to cook. Then, we cook it the best way we know how. We'll have a panel of non-biased judges try the food. Most votes win.

Challenge 2: The Big Boy Basketball Game!
We get a basketball, go to a basketball court or outdoor court and play a game. It could be 21. It could be H-O-R-S-E. Whatever. Don't worry, I'm barely 5' 8", you're around 6' 1", and I never made my Jr. High team (I needed to "grow into my feet"). Bonus for you, I haven't played ball in several years. Whichever game you choose to play, most points wins.

Challenge 3: Trivia Time for Two!
This, my friend, will be a straight-up battle of the wits. We'll go to Target and purchase the newest version of Trivial Pursuit. Then we'll open it and play until there is a winner. Most pieces of the pie, wins.

Cooking. Sporting. Smarting. If you ask me, there's really no better way than that trifecta to prove how much of a man you are.

So what do you say, Robert Pattinson? Are you ready to accept my challenge, Robert Pattinson? Or will I not ever hear from you Robert Pattinson, because you're a big ol' coward?


Posted by Seth at 10:15 PM | Comments (0)

September 19, 2011

How Dare They?

That's just a handful of things that raise in price every so often. Some quicker than others. Some more exponential than others. But they all raise.

So when I hear everyone throwing a tantrum about Netflix a) raising their prices for DVD rentals, and, b) the more recent "fix" of spinning off their DVD business into Qwikster.com, I just have to laugh.

Netflix did what??? They raised the cost of my DVD rentals??? The cost of shipping with the USPS has gone up and now WE have to PAY MORE for someone to deliver me a scratched up laser-encoded disc that I have to stick into a machine just so I can watch it!?! Yes, I KNOW that I go ONLINE to update my queue. But I'm doing that so I can sit around and let someone else BRING ME a DVD. Don't you worry about it if I just leave them on my coffee table for an average of 5 months, I WANT THE DAMN DVDs AT THE SAME PRICE! Screw inflation. Screw increasing delivery costs! And while I'm bitching, since when did Whoppers cost MORE than $0.99!?!

That's what it sounds like to me. And the complaint that you have to now go to Qwikster to get said DVDs? Okay, I get that one 25% of the way. But Netflix probably can see the light at the end of the tunnel – the light that says DVDs are becoming obsolete and digital streaming is the future.

Back in May, Netflix accounted for 29.7% of internet traffic. For those counting at home, DVDs don't figure into that number. With more and more consumers getting broadband at home, why wouldn't Netflix want to reduce the amount of money they spend on shipping, mail centers, printing and resurfacing centers?

It makes sense to me. At the very least, it makes business sense to me.

For those upset, stop making a big deal out of this. Just cancel your account and go to Blockbuster – I understand that they're offering deals for upset Netflix users. But be careful when you get excited about the "unlimited in-store exchanges," because as of April 2011, Blockbuster is down to 2,400 stores and was planning on closing 700 more by the end of April (WAY down from a peak of 9,000 in 2004). And should we mention that Blockbuster declared for bankruptcy in 2010 and is now owned by the Dish Network? Nah.

Soon I'll be canceling my DVD portion and will find new releases at the Apple iTunes Store, Redbox, cable Pay-Per-View or even Blockbuster's OnDemand service. I'm not a business man. I don't own a movie rental company. But right now, my money is on digital rentals. And, it just so happens that my monthly fee is, too.

Posted by Seth at 09:25 PM | Comments (1)

September 15, 2011

Seth Gunderson, Male Model

When my friend, and local photographer Matthew Collins, emailed earlier this week and said that he was working on a new portrait project, it was as if the chocolate rivers of food heaven flooded and allowed me to slurp-bathe in their glorious waters.

Not because I'm a t-shirt picture whore freak (which, I am), but because I'm currently with mustache (it's for this weekend's upcoming Hogs Guy appearance). And I L-O-V-E my mustache. If only because it's the most ridiculous looking thing in the world.

So yesterday I ran over to Matthew's studio and we had a little photo shoot.

I'm glad to say that I'm now offering my modeling skills at a modest rate of about a thousand dollars per hour. It's not a bad deal, really. For all that money, you get some awesome neck creases, a mustache and freckles. And as you can see, I've got quite the range. I can be reeeeeally serious. And I can be quite confused.

And there's more where that came from. But I don't think the world is quite ready for them. Yet. Seriously, I saw most of them and it was barely bearable.

What do you say rich photographers and clients? I think I'm ready!



Posted by Seth at 07:00 AM | Comments (2)

September 14, 2011

Bearstate Supply and Tontitown


If I've said it .25 times, I've said it at least 100-ish times, I love my friends. It's easy to be proud of them when they create a viable alternative news source for Fayetteville, Arkansas and the surrounding area. And it's even easier when they create a t-shirt company that celebrates all of Arkansas' uniqueness.

When I saw how fast Bearstate Supply got up and running, I was stunned. When they kept adding new t-shirt design after design to the site, I was jealous.

The other day I texted Todd and said, "I've got dibs on a Tontitown t-shirt."

And for once in my design-oriented world, I followed up on a promise.

You can now buy a Tontitown tee from Bearstate Supply. If you're unaware about Tontitown, Arkansas, it has some of the most amazing italian food in Northwest Arkansas and also is home to the annual Grape Festival.

So, yes, Tontitown truly does taste grape.

Posted by Seth at 07:00 AM | Comments (0)

September 13, 2011

Liven up your next party.


Have you ever been at a party with friends and thought, "this party is pretty drab – we could sure use some pepper for it right this instant?" I can't tell you the number of times I have. Thankfully, some goober invented the conga line for such dull occasions.

If you don't know what a conga line is, run fake sick I'll teach you. It's really simple. All you do is line up in a single file line (place your hands on the shoulders or waist in front of you, or not at all if you're a prude), and then you dance-walk! Do a shuffle step to the beat for the first 3 beats and then right before the 4th beat, you do a little kick. Then you do it all over again and you keep doing it until everyone realizes they're really dumb looking or the song runs out.

The conga line is the world's most perfect dance. All it requires is a crappy song that no one will remember, a line and many people who want to look like idiots.

If you need some inspiration on what the overall product should resemble, simply imagine yourself as a small part of a giant snake that's having some sort of convulsion because things inside of it are trying to bust through its skin.

Simply put, conga lines = tons of fun. All the cool movies and TV shows have them in it. And if you recall, everyone is having a blast!

Here is some evidence – even a dead guy can do a conga line and be considered a good dancer.

Posted by Seth at 07:09 AM | Comments (0)

September 07, 2011

The Anatomy of a Seth Beard

There's almost nothing that I want more in this world than to grow a beard. The below is my latest attempt to grow one over the past 2.5 weeks (in preparation for Hogs Guy). Granted, I've been trimming it in an effort to get the crappy areas to fill in. Here's a shocker, that's not working.

Below is the anatomy of the different "beard" zones on my face. As you can see, I've got the goatee almost nailed. Almost. The rest is to be desired. Or, rather, to be disgusted.


Posted by Seth at 09:47 PM | Comments (1)

September 03, 2011

Soap from Papaw

I don't know what you're thinking, but, I'm going to stop you right now.

This post is not a sarcastic or humorous post. This won't be a giant rant on what's wrong with a small portion of society or why a marketing trend is stupid. This won't be a post about my senses and what my favorite smells or sights are. I know that I can be funny in a fairly negative way some times, but you won't get that this time.

This is about one of my most favorite possessions. In general, I think you could consider me a pseudo-packrat. Perhaps I enjoy having keepsakes from my formative years – notes from classes, drawings, action figures, etc. If you went into my basement, you could easily find all of that stuff (or I could show you where they are, because I know).

But this is different from packratting. This is not the same as hoarding (so PLEASE don't think I'm a hoarder). This is something that my Papaw (or grandfather) gave to me when I was younger.

This is about travel-sized soaps from hotels and motels.

It sounds silly. (Believe me, I know.) And as trivial as it might be, I love them. Further more, I would be absolutely crushed if my Tupperware container containing said soap happened to disappear. Crushed might be too weak of a word.

The soaps are that important to me.

Honestly, I don't remember when it started. But ever since I CAN remember, whenever my papaw went on a business trip, he would bring me home a bar of soap. Not a t-shirt. Not a cheeky souvenir. But a bar of soap from the place that he stayed.

I don't think he traveled a lot. Though, he traveled enough to give me a collection of over 75 soaps.

Sure, there were plenty of stays at Holiday Inns, Sheratons and Roadway Inns. The ones I like the most are from the more unique hotels around the United States, Mexico and Europe.

I can't begin to tell you what kind of impression this has left on me. Now, every time that I travel somewhere, not only am I looking to take a small souvenir home with me, but I'm also looking at the design and quality of the soap offered at my place of stay.

It's definitely a bond that I have with him that I'll never forget. It makes me sad knowing that some day I won't have him around to tell me stories about his life. I'm so, so, so very fortunate to have all of my grandparents alive right now. Most times I feel like I take it for granted. But it's not only this particular family member that I care about.

I love each one of my grandparents remarkably so. I know that each one of them has had an amazing influence on my life. I'm thankful that I've been able to have my 34 years with them.

Over the past few years I've done a lot of traveling for both pleasure and work. And each time I know that I return with great stories, experiences and new, amazing friendships that will last a lifetime.

It's those times that makes me wonder, and yearn, to know all of the experiences my grandfather had while collecting these trivial bars of soap for me. (See some photos of them all at my Flickr group.)

I know that in the long run these are just scented bars of salt from a fatty acid. But to me they represent a wonderful childhood fueled by someone that loves me unconditionally. My grandparents are my rocks that I live by. It just so happens that one of my favorite things from one of them will also help me maintain good body health and chemistry (a total win-win).

I love you, Papaw (and Papa, and both Mamaws). Thank you for giving me more than just a piece of your lives.

Posted by Seth at 08:00 AM | Comments (0)