
Eric, Eric, Widget, Widget

We recently completed a new project for a client of ours at SHS – a Yahoo!, and Apple Dashboard, widget. Widgets are usually smaller, self-contained programs that run on a user’s desktop. Some require internet access and others run independently of it. The one we made is a simple countdown to Valentine’s Day, but in just one day, we went from zero press to being the featured widget on Apple’s Dashboard page!!!

Talk about exciting. Seriously, talk about it.

For those you with OS X 10.4, get the widget for your dashboard.

For those of you with a PC or Mac users with OS X 10.3 (or lower),
get the Yahoo! Widget Engine and Helzberg Diamonds Valentine’s Day Countdown widget.

+ original post date: February 2, 2006 08:21 AM
+ categories: Computers, Things I've Made, This Is Cool, Web Stuff, Work


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And if you're really a fan of Seth (and you have a Mac with OSX 10.4 or later), you can download the Seth Widget by clicking here.

+ author: Crasymaker
+ posted: February 2, 2006 09:03 AM

wow, that Seth widget is amazing. Lets try and get that to #1. Theres nothing like seeing Seth everytime I launch dashboard to use my calculater.

+ author: Jason
+ posted: February 2, 2006 10:06 AM

holy hell thats awesome

now my dreams of seth without feet finally can be realized (in my dashboard nonetheless!)

+ author: parc
+ posted: February 2, 2006 11:14 AM

Is Helzberg national? It's nice, but the Seth widget is hilarious!

+ author: Sean Tevis
+ posted: February 6, 2006 12:48 AM

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