
Parking Cards, Nearly Complete?

Okay, I've created the parallel cards and added them to the page. You can view the new cards here. Read below to see what the text says.

Card One
Your bad parking job (see below) was brought to my attention when I tried to park next to you, but couldn

+ original post date: May 6, 2005 10:49 PM
+ categories: Park Better Cards


(comments rss feed)

Awesome. Those sound great. I can totally hear you saying those things! Next we'll do the signs to hold up to the car window when you notice someone violating directional usage or annoyingly, and unwittingly competing with your cruise control.

+ author: wendy
+ posted: June 25, 2005 08:37 AM

I think they are looking great...I have no other suggestions. I did however laugh quite heartedly with Wendy's remark on Cruise Control Competers. Uggh I hate those people.

+ author: stevepanic
+ posted: June 25, 2005 08:37 AM

Thanks, Steve. That stuff gets under my skin. And where did that random comma come from in my comment? Oh, well...I was half asleep.

+ author: wendy
+ posted: June 25, 2005 08:37 AM

I freakin' love this idea. Good idea, though, putting the "use at your own risk" disclaimer ...

+ author: The January Family
+ posted: June 25, 2005 08:38 AM

Man I could have used one of these today. The "park with my front end in the spot in front of me therefore taking up two spots" genius. And Wendy..while I am not necessarily a gramatical wiz..there might me another random comma in your second post as well. Unless of course that was ironical and I am a complete moron which is entirely possible and most likely.

+ author: stevepanic
+ posted: June 25, 2005 08:38 AM

OMG!! I can't believe it! Not to take the focus off the parking cards, but OMG! That makes me crazy! Thanks for pointing it out, Steve. Shit.

+ author: wendy
+ posted: June 25, 2005 08:39 AM

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